Basic Community Control
Individuals sentenced to Basic Community Control are supervised closely by department officers for a time period determined by the sentencing Judge, not to exceed five (5) years. During this period of supervision officers maintain consistent personal contact with the offender based on their own criminogenic needs. His evidenced-based practice allows officers to spend more time and effort on cases that are of the greatest risk to reoffend. Throughout the course of community control supervision, officers are supervising the offender’s compliance with the rules and conditions imposed by the Court. These include compliance with treatment, payment of restitution and costs and abiding by the laws and expectations of the greater community. Additionally, officers are assisting offenders in identifying areas of need that may increase the likelihood of criminal recidivism. Officers then link offenders to appropriate community services that will best mitigate these areas of need and risk. Failure to abide by the rules and conditions imposed by the Court will result in a spectrum of departmental and Court imposed sanctions and possibly revocation of community control.